written by bra-z0r @ 10:33 AM

twenty-fourth of the nine oh eight!

well, i just changed my blogskin all by myself, feeling quite proud at the moment.
my best timing so far, half an hour!
gosh i feel like a nerd, i'd stop being one.

so i did not update this blog for yonks,
i do not even know who the heck even checks up on this blog anymore!
prolly no one, but ah wells i am bored!
who knew that holidays will be that boring, and its not even one day yet, sigh.

going to meet widi later at the mall, hopefully i would not be uber bored then.
and mooovie on thursday, tis gonna be awesome.

oxy10 burns my face, well i used it for like three days and my face became good.
but it burnt yesterday, so oxy10 is evil to the max, grr.

besides that my day has been boring i guess,
oh oh i have this whole list of movies i am going to watching during the holidays,
one of them being "amelie"
i way wanna watch it, everyone said it was soo good.
and another movie is "i am sam".
yes shockhorror i have not watched it yet, i am a sad sad child!

and still feeling really bored, at least half hour has been wasted.
think i'd go to the mall early, MEH!

*still wondering who reads this blog*

Hello, I'm Deborah. I'm Singapurianisch living in a white background, double-you aye Australia mayteee & I'm in love with Jesus.

will update when have time

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